Thursday, September 17, 2015

Kylie Jenner launches her new website!    


    Kylie Jenner released her new website this monday September 14,2015. As you may know,her family is pretty famous right now.With her older sisters being such role models to her life,she has to contribute a lot into the family. She opened her new website and it’s all about her life! In the new website you can see a part of her inside life, as she posts ootd (outfits of the day),make-up tutorials,ways to copy her style,and things that happen in her life.This new website was as well posted on the same days as all her sister’s new websites. A few hours after, her website was rated #1, beating her sisters. For the youngest, she seems to be getting a lot of support and well, her style is so creative and fun!
Check out her new website/app here:
And download the app for more of kylie jenner!
By: Catalina Gracia