Thursday, September 17, 2015

Long queues formed for buses bound for migrant reception centres in Croatia, stretching the country's infrastructure to breaking pointChaotic scenes broke out in Tovarnik, Croatia, as thousands of migrants arrived and sparked a stampede as they tried to board buses
Divided: Around 200 frustrated refugees blocked on the Serbian side of the border yesterday, throwing plastic water bottles at rows of helmeted riot police and chanting demands that the border be re-opened
     Hungary - Croatia
In the capital Zagreb, riot officers surrounded a hotel housing hundreds of refugees started screaming “Freedom! Freedom!” Over the past 24 hours more than 6,000 new arrivals have entered Europe, the route of choice for those hoping to reach western Europe after Hungary sealed its southern frontier with Serbia. Helmeted riot police tried to control growing crowds of refugees at the Croatian border town of Tovarnik this morning. Overnight, Hungarian authorities positioned barbed wire and a new gate at the border where the clashes occurred, which one was at one of two border crossings near the Serbian village. The European Parliament today backed plans to relocate 120,000 refugees around Europe.