Tuesday, September 15, 2015

First Or Last?

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   It’s very difficult to focus on all the right things while maintaining a social life, athletics if you are an athlete, stay sane, and if you are very religious, a church life. I said it’s difficult, not impossible. I’m doing it, don’t act like you can’t. You can truly do anything you set your mind to. If you are like me, it takes time to get your mind right for everything to fall into to place. It takes time and patience but if you want it bad enough, you’ll take all the time it takes. For example, I really want to be in something that has to do with music. Why? Because that’s one of the things I’m passionate about. It’s on my mind most of the time, there’s no giving up when it comes to me and my music. Don’t let anything or anyone throw you off track or make you lose sight of what’s important. Keep your eyes focused on the prize.

-Alexandria Cameron